Growing up in Ambler, Christian spent a lot of time with his grandfather, “Pop.” Pop served in the Korean War, and when he returned he worked as a Springfield Township School District Bus driver, and a local Handyman. He could do just about anything… welding, plumbing, electrical, carpentry, and yes of course painting too. Not bad for a 5th grade dropout from Staten Island whose parents only spoke Italian!
Pop was the kind of guy who would show up at your house on Christmas Eve to fix a water leak if you called and asked. He’d show up at your door with a smile, hang around for a cup of coffee, and tell some jokes. He was the epitome of customer service without even trying.
From the time he can remember Christian was always at Pop’s footsteps… learning, asking questions, hitting up yard sales for tools…. and eventually helping on job sites. From replacing windows, soldering pipes, and glazing muttons to painting and pressure washing, he was exposed to it all.
As Christian grew up he never stopped helping Pop on the weekends, evenings, and during summer breaks. Christian went to college to study sports medicine- but what he really went for was to play baseball (his first true love!) Once college was done and his dreams of becoming a professional baseball player did not work out (shocking I know!) Christian worked as 1:1 instructor for an autistic child in the Perkiomen Valley School District.
As much as he found this job rewarding, Christian was antsy to work with his hands again. He joined a friend who owned a painting company and worked side by side being trained professionally in the industry. After some time, he decided to break off on his own and started Militello Painting and Powerwashing. He continued by himself running a successful one man show for the next few years.
Pop had gotten sick and eventually passed away from mesothelioma (asbestos in your lungs). This hit Christian very hard, forcing him to pause and reflect on some things. And with that, he stepped away from the painting industry and bought his childhood skate shop, Ambler Skate and Trophy. It was a big change! However, the change was short-lived as he ended up selling after only a few years in business, but not before he was able to make an impact on his community. Christian was an integral part in getting a public skateboard park built in Ambler, PA! One that is used everyday by kids in the area to enjoy and have fun with their friends! Christian was again reminded of that old school customer service – helping your community, leaving a personal touch, and following through on commitments.
While retail was not for him, customer service was. And so Christian went back to what he knew and loved…. painting! By this time he was dating Angelina, who was a graduate from Penn State with a Kinesiology degree. Angelina took a leap of faith and joined Christian on his journey. They were married in 2012, and side by side they have built their relationship, their family, and their company together!
Christian credits much of his success to Angelina, saying that she is the best thing to happen to him and his company. Day to day operations work seamlessly with constant communication between Angelina, Christian, and their crews. And Angelina has affectionately become known as “Boss Lady” around the office. Christian has assembled a great team of individuals – much like a baseball team! He found a way to combine his 2 passions – baseball and painting! (You may have noticed his baseball-inspired logo!) In the end it was Pop’s old school customer service that was instilled in Christian at a young age that has been the driving force behind his company’s success.
At home Christian and Angelina have three children together Sophia, Enzo, and Luca, and a lovable Saint Mastador dog named Mac! When they are not home, you can find the boys on the baseball field, and Sophia rocking out in a band somewhere!